Master Lighting Design

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Master Lighting Design

  • Описание программы Master Lighting Design:

    The part time master programme Lighting Design will be offered by the Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (Germany).

    The aim of the professional studies course is to train lighting designers comprehensively. The highly regarded qualifications and skills gained through this degree, offer graduates the opportunity to work in many related fields. The central capability of a lighting designer, regardless of dealing with daylight or artificial light, is to design the interactions between architecture and light. Students are encouraged to investigate artistic, physical and psychological aspects of lighting, using creative and autonomous methods. This is to be done while keeping both human well-being and the standards of sustainable architecture in mind.

    In the „Design Management" modules students will learn how to set up architectural lighting design working groups or units and they will understand how to organize the office as well as improve the performance of the project. Students will understand market analysis tools and the strategic management approach. They will develop marketing and business-plans. „Design Management" also includes the vision of design as part of the customer value chain.

    The international master programme seminars and workshops comprises  focussed lectures in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok/Singapore. The lectures are in English, ensuring that the programme remains open to all those interested from around the world.

    After a successful graduation the students will receive the degree international degree "Master of Arts (M.A.)". 

    Course start:

    Next intake: Autumn Semester
    Closing date for applications: 30th August
    First seminar: beginning of January


    The Master programme Professional Studies Lighting Design was successful accredited by the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) in December 2014. A committee of external experts inspected the Master programme which exists since 2012. The committee consisted  of representatives of other universities (two Professors in the field of lighting Design)  and lighting design experts. During the on-site inspection the course leader Prof. Dr. Römhild, some members of the international lecturer team and a number of current students of the the programme were interviewed to evaluate the curriculum, and the teaching methods. Furthermore the study organization and all teaching materials were checked and discusssed.   The programme offers a unique combination of Lighting Design and Management modules. The master degree enables all graduates to do the PhD.


    Students will become familiar with the historical background of architectural lighting and contemporary influences on design. 


    Semester 1.
    - Design Criteria
    - Lighting Applications and Sustainability
    - Daylighting
    - Artificial Lighting
    - Design Project I: Conceptual Lighting Design
    - Design Methods 1: Basics

    Semester 2.
    - Design Criteria
    - Lighting Applications and Sustainability
    - Daylighting
    - Artificial Lighting
    - Design Project I: Conceptual Lighting Design
    - Design Methods 1: Basics

    Semester 3.
    - Strategic Management
    - Project Management
    - Design Project II: Detailed Lighting Design
    - Design Project III: Selected Lighting Design Principles
    - Design Methods 2: Visualisation and Calculation

    Semester 4.
    - Design and Economics
    - Project Management
    - Design Project II: Detailed Lighting Design
    - Design Project III: Selected Lighting Design Principles
    - Design Methods 3: Branding and Marketing

    Semester 5.
    - Thesis Seminar
    - Master´s Thesis and Colloquium


    The international master programme comprises of focussed lectures in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok. The lectures are in English, ensuring that the programme remains open to all who are interested from around the world. The course incorporates valuable lessons learned from the Wismar-based programme which has developed into a highly sought after course of study with an established faculty. Students consistently evaluate the study program positively. Additional influence was brought by the expertise of the WINGS Company, which currently educates more than 3100 students. The course was developed on the basis of experience, which was gained from classes, training programmes and courses offered both domestically and abroad.

    The content of the curriculum was devised from the training concept put forth by the European Lighting Designers Association, ELDA (now PLDA). After discussions with lighting designers and luminaire manufacturers, the content was extended and completed.

    Admission Requirement:

    The professional Master Lighting Design is a further education programme. To be admitted into our programme you need to meet the following requirements:
    • academic degree (Bachelor, Master, Diploma) in a related field of study  (architecture, interior design, design or electrical engineering) obtained from a national or international university, and
    • at least one year of professional work experience within the related field after completing your first academic degree
    If the first academic degree is not related to the field of study, the approval to study can only be given with proof of professional work experience.

    Please contact us to discuss in detail the admission requirements related to your personal situation.

    Appliaction Process:

    The application consists of two steps. The first step is to check the most important documents, if an application could be possible. These documents can be handed in by mail.  
    In a second step you were ask to hand in more detailed information by airmail, which should be certified.

    Documents for the pre check (as pdf file and by email):
    • CV
    • University degree and transcript (if you already hold a master´s degree we need the Bachelor degree as well)
    • portfolio of professional work experience (if you do not have a porfolio yet, you can prepare it and submit this after cheking you university degree) 
    Your application should contain the following documents (after pre check and handed in by airmail):
    • Highschool leaving certifate*
    • proof of university degree* (certified copy)
    • passport Identity photo
    • filled out application form 
    • signed course contract
    * in English or German language

    Expenses and financing:

    The tuition fee of 3,900 EUR per semester includes all teaching and examination costs, class materials and of course the costs for the Master´s thesis. Practical workshops, event catering and two day excursion are included, as well as accommodation expenses at our international headquarters in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok.

    Private Financing.

    Our distance learning course is structured to meet the needs of the working person, so that you may complete your studies and maintain professional and financial stability. The state promotes your continuing education through individual tax incentives. Depending on your individual income and your professional situation, you can claim the expenses of the distance learning course as tax deductible professional expenses or special expenses so that receive total or partial reimbursement. For more detailed advice, please address your tax consultant or your responsible tax office.

    Financing by the Employer.

    Many enterprises support the continuing education of their employees by granting a leave of absence or financial support. Within the framework of individual agreements/ contracts there is the possibility to integrate your qualification aims into a personal development concept. Further sponsorship is possible for armed forces members for example by the BFD.

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