MBA - Master of Business Administration

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MBA - Master of Business Administration

  • Описание программы

    Deusto Business School is launching its international full-time MBA in January 2013. Our intention is for it to become the most prominent and international program of the School.

    The MBA is the result of two converging realities:

    a. On one hand, the long-established prestige of Deusto in the education of the most representative corporate leaders in Spain today due to its rigorous approach to the fundamentals of management.
    b. On the other hand, the new international trends in business education, centered on the three dimensions of sustainability, digital networked strategy and innovation and entrepreneurship. Specifically, by creating its new MBA, Deusto Business School aims to be a pioneering school directly inspired by the framework of the UN-supported initiative, Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).


    Deusto MBA delivers a unique experience to participants through its approach and methodology. The differential nature of the program is encapsulated in four specific features of the curriculum:

    - The Approach to Sustainability

    - The approach to the Digital Networked Enterprise

    - Innovation and Entrepreneurship and a hands-on approach to a Real Project

    - The Sustain4 Service Learning Program:
    1. Theoretical Training in the Classroom
    2. Practical Training in the South (or in the headquarters of a non-governmental organization in the North)


    Quantitative methods

    Innovation and entrepreneurship
    Country analysis
    International business
    Global agenda
    Legal context
    Digital enviroment
    Strategic analysis
    Formulating the strategy
    Digital & networked strategy
    The role of business in society
    Advanced accounting
    Sustainability accounting
    Reading financial reports
    Investment decisions
    Corporate finance
    Financial inst. & Capital markets
    Critical thinking
    Creativity workshop

    Strategic marketing
    Digital marketing
    Organizational behavior
    Managing talent
    IT - transforming into the digital company
    Supply chain management
    E-procurement & digital supply chain mgt
    Responsible supply-chain management
    Change management
    Project management
    Managing the company
    Digital communication
    Managing global teams
    Digital leadership
    Decision making
    Problem solving skills
    Management accounting & controlling
    CSR implementation

    Chosen from:
    Innovation and entrepreneruship
    Digital business


    Deusto MBA is not a traditional program and is not for everyone. It is designed for participants who seek to enhance their managerial competencies and skills, whilst developing the appropriate attitudes and aptitudes for solving the management
    and leadership challenges of the 21st century. In short, we are seeking to help shape authentic managers of change who are prepared to look for more complex but sustainable solutions to the corporate global challenges of today and of the future.


    - Mikel Larrein
    - Oswaldo Lorenzo Ochoa
    - Laura Albareda
    - Ricardo Aguado
    - Nekane Aramburu
    - Amaia Arizkuren
    - Elena Ochoa
    - Javier Chércoles
    - Lourdes Moreno
    - Bradd Googins
    - Alejandro Ruelas-Gossi
    - Ravi Fernando
    - Phil Mirvis
    - Andreas Rasche
    - Jeff Senne

    WELCOME (By Manuel Escudero - General Director):

    It was on the stairs leading to the offices of Prof. David Cooperrider at the Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, engulfed by the beauty of the building designed by Frank Gehry, when I said to David: "Don´t you think that it would be a good idea to draft some universal principles for the future of business education?" In July 2007, in Geneva, after a successful drafting exercise conducted by a 60-strong international group of Deans and distinguished scholars, we presented the Principles for Responsible Management Education to the Secretary-General of the UN, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon.

    Almost at the same time, a heated debate concerning the future of business education sprung up in hundreds of business schools and of course the financial and economic crisis reinforced the discussions. Since 2008, business school gatherings have been characterized by soul-searching debates about how to update business education.

    Ever since the inception of the Principles for Responsible Management Education(PRME), more than 400 business schools around the world have aligned themselves with its aspiring goal: to place sustainability at the very center of business education. All the international associations of the sector sit on its governing body - from the American-based international AACSB to the African AABS.

    However, to date there is no MBA directly designed and inspired by the Principles for Responsible Management Education, transversally embedding the values of sustainability at all levels of the curriculum and including new methods of experiential learning. Furthermore, sustainability cannot be taught in a vacuum, but must be interwoven with other basic dimensions of today´s corporate demands, such as an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset and a clear vision about how a successful digital and networked enterprise operates.

    As Director-General of Deusto Business School, I have now had the opportunity of putting into practice what I have been advocating for years. Thanks to a wonderful team of committed and experienced colleagues, we have designed a new MBA, tailor-made to meet the needs of successful companies in the complex business environment of the 21st. century.

    We welcome you to the Deusto MBA and hope that it will be a transformative experience which, based on a rigorous approach to the fundamentals of management, will help you to become part of a new, much-needed and sought after generation of globally responsible, entrepreneurial and internetworked leaders.

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