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  • Описание программы Неделя 1 - 2: 
    COMPANY STRUCTURE (functions/departments within a typical company; company's activities and organization; management structure; product development; current projects, employment policy; company profiles, corporate development). Describing the achievements of companies, describing changes in quantities (increase and decrease). 
    Business Correspondence: business letter layout, the letterhead, the date, opening/closing a letter, subject headings, enclosures, paper, envelopes. 

    Неделя 3 - 4: 
    RECRUITMENT (job advertisements, applying for jobs, CVs and letters of application, participating in job interviews, selection of candidates, recruitment, headhunting, the promotion ladder, career opportunities, redundancies, working from home, job mobility, career changes, retraining programmes). 
    A job interview - describing jobs, tasks and responsibilities, describing individual's experiences and achievements, likes and preferences, asking for and giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. 
    Business Correspondence: letters of application, CVs, follow-up letters.

    Неделя 5 - 6:  
    MANAGEMENT STYLES (management styles in different countries, male and female management styles, executive types, staff appraisal and development, team building, motivation). 
    Describing logical relations. 
    Business Correspondence: parts of a letter; beginning and ending a letter; planning a letter; "Golden Rules" - clarity, conciseness, thoroughness, accuracy.

    Неделя 7 - 8: 
    MARKETING. PRODUCT AND CORPORATE ADVERTISING. SALES. PRICING. (marketing a product, marketing a brand, market research, target markets, customer profile, promotion, brand management, advertising, ways and means of advertising, the effectiveness of advertising, market leaders, hard sell/soft sell approach, bargaining, pricing policy). 
    Presenting figures 
    Expressing fractions and proportions 
    Comparing products and services 
    Business Correspondence: letters that inform - covering letters, acknowledgements; referring, giving news.

    Неделя 9 - 10: 
    JAPAN AND THE BUSINESS WORLD (fundamental principles of Japanese management and Japanese corporate culture, lifetime employment system and seniority, business meetings and negotiations with the Japanese, socialising in Japan). 
    Cultural awareness - doing business across cultural frontiers, cultural misunderstandings. 
    Business Correspondence: Memorandums

    Неделя 11 - 12:  
    BUSINESS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (the effects of big business on the environment, responsibility of business for environmental damages, industrial waste and its treatment, industrial and domestic waste recycling, environmentally friendly technologies and products, energy resources, global climat issues, environmental campaigns organised by goverments and communities). 
    Describing industrial production processes and operations; the product life cycle. 
    Business Correspondence: letters that ask - letters requesting actions, responses to advertisements, invitations, appointments.

    Неделя 13 - 14: 
    RETAILING (classifications of retail businesses, types of commodities, pricing and discounts, profit margins, logistics, stock management, CRM - customer relationship management). 
    Describing products and services. 
    Business Correspondence: letters that ask - letters requesting information, enquiries.

    Неделя 15: 
    BANKING (types of banks, investment banks and their functions, retail services of commercial banks, banking documents, banking procedures, old-fashioned banks versus high-tech banks, types of plastic cards). 
    Business Correspondence: Letters that complain - mild complaints/strong complaints.

    Неделя 16:  
    THE STOCK MARKET (types of securities, types of shares, investing on the stock market, the stock exchange, brokers/dealers/jobbers, investing on-line). 
    Presenting factual information, presenting visual information (tables, graphs, charts, diagrams). 
    Business Correspondence: Letters that complain - complaints concerning defective merchandise, complaints regarding delays.

    Неделя 17:  
    CORPORATE ALLIANCES AND ACQUISITIONS (types of alliance: joint venture, merger, acquisition; reasons and advantages of forming an alliance; procedures; the role of investment banks and consulting companies). 
    Making forecasts and speculating; discussing future work plans and schedules; suggesting and giving advise. 
    Business Correspondence: Letters that claim - claims for refunds, letters making a point, letters warning, letters threatening legal actions.

    Неделя 18 - 19: 
    THE SMALL BUSINESS ( public limited companies versus small businesses; sole trader - sole proprietor - partnership - private limited company; the advantages and disadvantages of the small business forms; the portrait of a successful entrepreneur; managers versus entrepreneurs; setting up a new business; a business plan; risk management). 
    Getting things done; giving instructions; requesting and offering 
    Business Correspondence: Letters that reply (positive and negative) - replies to requests for information, replies to complaints, replies to claim letters.

    Неделя 20 - 21: 
    INTERNATIONAL TRADE (exports and imports; measures of government control; international organizations WTO, EFTA, OECD;the European union; exporting to new markets; ordering and supplying goods; enquiries, offers, orders; logistics issues; methods of payment, invoicing, letters of credit, dealing with non-payment problems). 
    Describing trends. 
    Business Correspondence: Order Letters - ordering goods, confirming orders, acknowledging orders, inquiry letters concerning orders.

    Неделя 22: 
    INSURANCE (the structure of the insurance industry in the UK, insurance services, insurance documents, applying for motor insurance). 
    Business Correspondence: Sales letters, special letters to long time customers.

    Неделя 23: 
    COMPANY PERFORMANCE (financial performance of a company; annual report; balance sheet; assets and liabilities; profit and loss account; losses/profits/revenues; cost reduction; cash flow management; credits and bad debts. 
    Discussing the recent performance and activities of a company. 
    Business Correspondence: Credit letters - requests for credit, granting/refusing credits, credit references, inquiries regarding credit standing, letters notifying of credit suspension.

    Неделя 24: CORPORATE IDENTITY (the philosophy of a company, the mission of a company, socially responsible companies, the image of a company, the logo of a company, tangible assets/non-tangible assets, integrity in business). 
    Business Correspondence: Good-Will Letters - Welcome to a new customer, keeping the product sold, approaching a prospective customer, holiday greetings; Special appeals and approaches.

    Неделя 25:  THE BUSINESS MEDIA AND ECONOMIC ISSUES (the print media, radio and Tv channels, multimedia; media markets; global developments in the media; issues in the world's economic agenda; economic globalization - its political guidelines and economic rules) 
    Business Correspondence: Faxes and E-mail. Informal business letters. Personal business letters. 

    Неделя 26:  MONOPOLIES (impacts of economic recession and boom on companies, trade wars, the free market) 
    Business Correspondence: Writing reports (the subject and the purpose of a report, the structure of a report, relevant/irrelevant information/materials, illustrations).

    Неделя 27:  ИТОГОВЫЙ ЭКЗАМЕН
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